What is Carpet Filtration Soiling?

Filtration soiling is a term used to describe dark, grayish lines that may appear on carpet. This is not a carpet defect, but a situation in which dust, smog, and other airborne pollutants can accumulate on the carpet face fibers in areas with a concentrated flow of air over the carpet or through tiny cracks or other open areas under the carpet.


Filtration usually occurs around the baseboards

The air in your house is pulled through the crack behind the baseboards. The carpet acts as a filter, collecting the airborne pollutants.

Filtration can occur under doors that stay closed

Filtration can also be an issue with doors that stay closed. Air is pulled back and forth under the closed door. This forces the carpet to act like a filter. The carpet then collects the airborne pollutants



Filtration soil remover


Purchase Sp16

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